Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Purple Is NOT My Favorite Color

 Well, here we are. I finally made a post on my "official" blog. Not Tumblr (even though my tumblr does a pretty good job too). I love Tumblr. I didn't really make this blog to seek attention or anything like that. Hell, I don't even know if anyone is going to look at it. I made it more for myself. I've tried the whole writing in journals and talking to people but, it just doesn't work. I guess I just want to be able to vent to the world and see if people feel the same. I'll end up posting about new music, old music, new books, old books, personal shit etc. I'm an Epileptic. Just throwing that out there. I have been since i was around 12 or 13. I was made fun of a lot in middle school and high school over it. Having frequent seizures has definitely taken its toll on my body over the years. Um, purple is the national color for Epilepsy. So I decided to call this first post "PURPLE IS NOT MY FAVORITE COLOR" because I HATE it with a burning passion. A lot of people think its no big deal but they really don't see what it does behind the scenes; they just see seizures. I know there are people that suffer from worse and my heart goes out to them, but i really feel like Epilepsy needs to be treated more seriously. I feel its underrated. Anyway, not trying to rant. 

I'm not originally from Kansas. I'm from Southern Indiana. i lived in Wisconsin for awhile. Hated it. I also lived in Kentucky. I'm a big metal head. My favorite band is definitely Type O Negative. That's where I came up with the blog name and the Tumblr name. Absolutely love their music. I do listen to a variety of music though. The title name of this post is a really good name (at least i think so) and i figured that this post deserves more than what its going to get and definitely better content (hopefully in the future that will be able to happen).  Even though i dont have views or comments etc. How does that even happen? 

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm not going to be spending it with any extended family or anything. So Happy Thanksgiving! I hate the holidays... I cannot stand them. I get into these moods where I tend to be sad and depressed the whole time. Then again, i also think its because for the last five years, living in Kansas, is the loneliest I've ever felt. Granted, I do have a small circle of friends, but i do tend to miss people that i've met along the way here and even my family. 

I'm just going to cut it off right here for now. I posted a couple random facts and even told you about my hatred of the holidays. That's my way of giving a small introduction. If you like what I post, great. If you don't, cool. Comments are open. I'm pretty sure the whole "message" thing is open, i'm not sure. i will check again and get everything set. I'm still learning everything all over again. If you are reading this, thank you and uh i HOPE you keep reading and have a good one!

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